Steve Presley
Mayor of Palestine
The City of Palestine , Texas Welcomes You !
Our people are known for their Southern hospitality and follow their passions to make our city a great place to live , visit , and invest in the future . Palestine was established in 1846 as a center of commerce and culture and in the 1880 ’ s grew dramatically as headquarters of the International and Great Northern Railways . Palestine continues to thrive because of its small town charm , friendliness , welcoming atmosphere , educational and economic opportunities .
Palestine is centrally located between Dallas , Houston , and Shreveport and is a transportation hub with opportunities for rail , ground , and air . We are also a regional healthcare center .
Our primary retail trade area has over 58,000 people . We encourage our entrepreneurs to succeed here . For more information on economic development check out the Palestine Economic Development website .
In addition to being a great escape for the heritage tourist , Palestine is a Top 40 Tourist Destination , a Texas Main Street City , and a designated retirement community . We are home to the Texas State Railroad which features steam and diesel train adventures throughout the year and becomes the magical Polar Express every Christmas ; the Trails of Davey Dogwood Park are showcased during the Dogwood Trails Festival in March and April ; home of the Hot Pepper Festival in October .
Whether here for a day trip , weekend getaway , or for a lifetime , I know your time in Palestine will be truly special . If the City of Palestine can be of further assistance to you , please visit our website at www . cityofpalestinetx . com or contact our Visitor ’ s Center at ( 903 ) 723-3014 .
Hope to see you soon , Steve Presley , Mayor
Teresa Herrera
Interim City Manager
903-731-8400 504 N . Queen Street www . cityofpalestinetx . com
City Judge - Brenda Johnson City Secretary - Teresa Herrera Communication & Best Practices - Nate Smith Interim Police Chief - Mark Harcrow Fire Chief - Shannon Davis Development Services Director - Mark Miears
2020-21 Palestine City Council
Library Director - Theresa Holden Health Inspector - Janet Migliacio Parks & Recreation - Patsy Smith Economic Development - Terry Johnson Main Street Manager - Rachel Nichols Tourism-Marketing Manager - Mary Raum
Larissa Loveless District 1 |
Mitchell Jordan District 2 |
Vicky Chivers District 3 |
Joe Baxter District 4 |
Dana Goolsby District 5 |
Ann Conner District 6 |