Paleo Magazine Express January 2018 | Page 6


BCAAs for Women over 40

By Heather Denniston
he words “ branched chain amino acids ” may sound like part of a dull lesson from organic chemistry class . If

T you are a woman over 40 , however , you want to know about these little chains of power and their potential to help you retain muscle , recover from exercise faster , and maintain an active lifestyle and fitness level as you age .

To understand the benefits of branched chain amino acids ( BCAAs ) for women , we need to start with our protein needs . Baseline recommendations for protein intake are 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight , but women who exercise regularly likely need more . The National Academy of Sports Medicine suggests that if you are active , getting 1.2 to 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight is optimal . 1
What is the connection between protein and branched chain amino acids ? Protein is made up of building blocks called amino acids , which are used by the body as an energy source , for repair or building body tissue such as muscle , or for energy storage . Aminos are divided into two groups . “ Non-essential ” are the amino acids our body can make itself , and “ essential ” are the ones we need to receive from our diet . Of the nine essential amino acids we must consume , three of them — leucine , isoleucine , and valine — fall into the category of branched chain amino acids .
The biggest benefit of BCAAs is immediate access to their power . BCAAs are unusual in that they are primarily metabolized directly in the muscle , not the liver . This makes them a readily accessible source of energy . 2
But what makes BCAAs so helpful for women over 40 ? Just north of that big birthday celebration , women begin to contend with hormonal shifts that can put a damper on an active lifestyle . Decreased sleep quality , weight gain , wonky metabolism , mental fogginess , and moodiness are just a few of the complex variables their bodies may begin to experience . Equally concerning are metabolic changes which intensify as age progresses : reduced ability to build or maintain muscle tissue , lack of ready access to energy , and a lengthening recovery time after exercise or injury .
BCAAs may be able to help . One job of branched chain amino acids is to trigger protein synthesis and inhibit the breakdown of muscle cells . They can also be key players in improving lean body mass , encouraging weight loss and fat burning , and providing doses of energy during and after workouts . 3 , 7
BCAAs can also reduce muscle soreness post-workout . That may not seem like a big deal , but consider this : Post-workout soreness can cause you to think you overdid it and thus decrease the intensity and frequency of subsequent workouts . Long-term , lighter exercise will reduce lean body mass and strength . For women in their fifth , sixth , or later decades , remaining strong and active is an important investment towards late-stage independence and quality of life .
Many women over 40 also complain of not being able to push their workouts as hard as they would like . They feel they lack energy over the course of a harder or longer
6 January 2018 Paleo Magazine Express