Pale Fire: Illustrated Sports Illustrated Sports Pale Fire Journal | Page 16

them up , so we are sorry but you must go . Now that that ’ s out of the way we will introduce our bronze medalists …* drumroll * TEAM NON COMPIS MENTIS ! While this team ’ s introduction was mostly confusing , they did make some compelling points and played the game in a quite creative and imaginative way . Congratulations , please come accept your medal . Now our silver medalist team … is … * drumroll * TEAM TRANSITORY NATURE ! Wisdom before beauty really held true for this individual ! He took his lifetime of experience onto the floor today and it landed him runner up ! Please come accept your medal , congratulations . Okay , now I know this is what we have all been waiting for , please welcome our gold medalist champions * drumroll * TEAM COUPLETS to the podium ! This team encompassed so much yet was also so simple . It was as if there were “ two hemispheres ” ( 117 ) being crossed simultaneously within one body . Well that ’ s all folks , we will see you all in 999 days for the next match .

them up , so we are sorry but you must go . Now that that ’ s out of the way we will introduce our bronze medalists …* drumroll * TEAM NON COMPIS MENTIS ! While this team ’ s introduction was mostly confusing , they did make some compelling points and played the game in a quite creative and imaginative way . Congratulations , please come accept your medal . Now our silver medalist team … is … * drumroll * TEAM TRANSITORY NATURE ! Wisdom before beauty really held true for this individual ! He took his lifetime of experience onto the floor today and it landed him runner up ! Please come accept your medal , congratulations . Okay , now I know this is what we have all been waiting for , please welcome our gold medalist champions * drumroll * TEAM COUPLETS to the podium ! This team encompassed so much yet was also so simple . It was as if there were “ two hemispheres ” ( 117 ) being crossed simultaneously within one body . Well that ’ s all folks , we will see you all in 999 days for the next match .