Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 9
the same story seems to be limited to the word for word
found over and over through- copying of a text. The entries
out modern media. For exam- will point out where they
ple, there is no shortage of were pulled from, so readers
books and movies that fea- are welcomed, and encour-
ture a pair of star-crossed lov- aged, to examine the two
ers, and most people can works side by side. Conse-
probably name three off the quently, readers should ex-
top of their head. However, amine the grammar and ver-
while stories may rhyme they nacular used in both the es-
do not always repeat like is say and novel. However, just
seen in Pale Fire when it is as Charles Kinbote seemed to
compared to Timon of Ath- ramble
ens . things at times the commen-
taries may also divulge from
the text. Additionally, the or-
To prove the point of repeti-
ganization of the essay has a
tion and plagiarism it seems
familiar look. Moreover, there
prudent to give Nabokov a
is also a purposeful dose of
taste of his own medicine. For
humor used throughout the
this reason, when reading this
essay, the informality is part
essay be prepared to be re-
of its charm. This is, once
minded of a certain book.
again, to make it obvious that
This is an artistic choice made
plagiarism is at play here.
to show that plagiarism is not