Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 59
After the
Zembla gles and viewpoints. One may
Charles Xavier, left his land to even say he is plagiarizing the
go to the United States, he Cubist ideal. This is why I felt it
hung up a Picasso picture in was important to remake the
his apartment during his time cubist Picasso piece that was
of mentioned in the novel.
paintings have been men-
tioned being hung by the
King and then Kinbote, it fur-
ther supports the idea of
them being the same person
as well as having an affinity
for Picasso. One thing that Pi-
casso is famous for is Cubism,
which is the art movement re-
nowned for using multiple
perspectives to reveal numer-
ous viewpoints in one piece.
That idea is essentially trans-
ferred into Pale Fire as a liter-
ary piece. I feel like I would la-
bel Nabokov as the Picasso of
literature because he uses
multiple perspectives to make
the reader ponder various an-