Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 57

This quote reveals evidence of quite a few concepts that we have studied in our class. In the house that Kinbote is renting from the Goldsworths, he notes that there is a pic- ture with the Goldsworth’s parents, looking as if their genders have been reversed. This follows that theme that gender is rather fluid throughout the entire novel, suggesting that characters, no matter their identification, may be the same person. Also, Image 1 Kinbote states that Mrs. G “In the study I found a large looks picture of their parents, with like Malenkov, who turns out to be the Soviet poli- sexes reversed, Mrs. G. resem- tician that succeeded Joseph bling Malenkov, and Mr. G. a Stalin in the 1950s. This relates Medusa-locked hag, and this I back to Nabokov’s Russian replaced by the reproduction roots and his exile from Rus- of a beloved early Picasso: sia which parallel’s the poten- earth boy leading raincloud tial of Kinbote being the ex- horse” (83). iled king from Zembla. Finally, 57