Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 32

wealthy and is constantly es for its demise. His servant sharing his wealth with who- Flavius delivers ever surrounds him, never monologue, where he is talk- asking for anything in return ing to his fellow servants (and nothing is ever offered to about him). However, there comes a thing has happened to his point where Timon realized master and insists that he will he owes a great deal of mon- always be by Timon’s side, ey, and when he approaches whether Timon is wealthy or his ‘friends’ whom he was so not. what a the above treacherous generous with in the past, they all turn him down and The second poem, whilst very refuse to aid him in any way. similar to the first one, can be One of Timon’s ‘friends’ is interpreted in a vastly differ- quoted as saying “this is no ent way with some context time to lend money, especially from the story of Pale Fire . upon bare friendship” (lines This novel is about with a man 928-929). At the point in the named Charles Kinbote, who play where the poem above is obtains a poem from his re- taken from, the protagonist cently departed friend named Timon is living in a cave out in John Shade. The book mainly the woods, far from humanity. deals with how Kinbote inter- Timon feels betrayed by his prets the poem and goes off fellow humans and starts to on tangential stories while he spite all of mankind and wish- 32