Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 26

BARD OF AVON Oh there book. As for the other charac- but there is so much more! ters, there is an exceptional When Timon left his palace, it uniformity between how the was not willingly. He did so female characters are treated. because he owed so much In the play they only show up money that he had no other towards the end and are choice. He was forced out; called whores. In your book you could almost say exiled… they are all viewed through a who else has a similar experi- lens of hatred and disgust ence in Pale Fire ? Your dear when it comes to Kinbote’s King opinion. Charles! Exiled from Zembla for different reasons, Nabokov and Mr. Shade ex- but kicked out of his home all change a worried look the same. There is yet anoth- MR. SHADE [ nervously, clear- er coincidence between King ing his throat ] that all? Charles/Kinbote and Timon. After Timon is ‘exiled’ he re- BARD OF AVON sorts to eating roots in the is one final point I would like woods and gives up meat. to make. It is the opinion of Now, when King Charles be- historians that Shakespeare comes Kinbote, he becomes may not have been the only a vegetarian. That seems to author of this play, and in fact be an extra character trait that Shakespeare was not that otherwise has no influ- one man but the idea was ence over the story in your created from multiple peo- 26 No. There