Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 23

er reference to dogs. “You thirsty prowler” (96). Who is smile at dogs” (53), this seem- more bloodthirsty than men? ingly out of place line with lit- When Shakespeare refers to tle to no context may be jus- characters as dogs it is a term tified by the fact that this used for those rotten individ- particular part of the book is uals who bring harm upon a poem and one can seldom themselves or others. There make sense of those things. are many minute insertions Rather going back to the into this book about dogs, commentary we see a very just as there are in Timon of direct resemblance to the Athens . Not a main part of play in the quote “a dog tour- the plot, but mentioned of- ing the garbage cans – every- ten enough to become part thing sounded like a blood- of the theme. Like when the 23