Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 16

thievery. It is there with a pur- thor of the play even are up pose though. He did not do it for debate. Some say that to take credit for the words or Shakespeare did not write this the plot. He did it so that peo- play. Instead it is often pre- ple would understand the dicted that a later and lesser complexity of both the book poet wrote the play and put and the play. Kinbote stole Shakespeare’s name on it. the show by making it about Nabokov provides evidence himself. The bandits wanted that he wants us to look at to steal the money. Thievery is Pale Fire in the same way. It an important part in both. has been called to question who wrote what parts of the book, was it written all by one What is more, the author of person or was their truly two parts of the book and the au- Shakespeare doesn’t appreciate these theories against him . . . 16