Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 11

C O M M E N T A - I M E A N N O T E S Act one, Scene one (2): Lord create a scrapbook of details Holmes- I mean Timon (see pasting and clipping the parts commentary to line 27 on together to show the similari- page 78) ties between the two. Vladi- mir Nabokov allowed me one A rich, giving, rather likeable day to analyze literature in a lord of Athens, the main char- acter in William new way; when looking at the Shake- play and the novel they hap- speare’s Timon of Athens . I pened to intercommunicate have many means at the pre- most sent time to draw parallels pleasingly. branched between the play and novel would but suspect that the best be (or Both perhaps better to it say stemmed) from the idea that place to look for that would there was a change in fate. If be in the other notes. readers take Kinbote as the former king of Zembla then Act one, scene one (1) : Shift the initial resemblance be- and change (see commentary tween Kinbote and Timon is to line 91 on page 114) hard to ignore. The first piece Among the evidence linking of evidence comes from the the two works, scholars can foreword of the novel, “what 11