PaintballX3 Magazine PaintballX3 Euro Edition, September 2014 | Page 59
We reached the registration tent and
bumped into Mr. Frenshaw himself on his
quad bike of power! (Great to meet you
again Jim!) We spoke to him briefly on
how they had planned to get me around
the game area. With this we then spent
Saturday afternoon in the traders expo,
meeting people, chatting, having a laugh
and my poor wallet being mugged by lots
of nice shiny goodies in various traders
stalls. It was during this period I met up
with the rest of the Scottish Warriors at
the BZ tent. The Warriors were to be my
guardians and hosts for the weekend to
which I am ever grateful. And I got to
meet Tom Cunningham from Catshack
Reports too, which was great. Once the
day’s gaming was over and the Warriors
satisfied with the running of the Tippmann
Challenge and games they were marshalling, we set off for our hotel.
Sunday: We arrived on-site early on and
started getting kits set up and gear ready
to go out into the field. I was escorted up
to the start point near the air-up zone and
was hoisted into the front of a minibus.
I was now in a bus loaded with the Marshalls Flying Squad. The aim was to drive
around and see as much of the site as
During this stage there was a small vehicle swap and the marshals ended up
with a van and I was now in the resupply
vehicle with General Jay and we set off
heading between base, the refill and respawn points, and then out to wherever
Jay wanted his troops deployed. Round
about lunchtime our minibus hit a snag,
so I disembarked and was nicely pushed
back to the base/traders area by one of
the marshals. It was lunchtime so I managed to grab some food (and surprisingly spend yet more money) meeting my
friends from the Warped stalls, and Rap4,
Envy, Laysick to name a few.
After lunch Kim said she’d secured a seat
for me in a Land Rover, so we set off. We
set off back into the field and the tension
was palpable. We could see both sides