PaintballX3 Magazine Paintball X3 Magazine March 2014 | Page 12
From the Prez
issue 65
It’s Paintball Season!
I’m just not a fan of winter anymore. I don’t like the cold and I
definitely don’t like the weather
causing our game to come to a
screeching halt. One field owner
recently told me he lost 12 weekends of play this winter when he
usually loses three to four.
But the good news is that last
month’s Paintball Extravaganza
really pumped new life back into
the people that make the business
of paintball tick. There was a lot of
optimism in the building, not to
mention just a ton of new products, new companies and excited
paintball field and store owners.
And the fact of the matter is if
paintball field owners are excited
(as well as the rest of the industry)
that trickles down to the player
base and that is a great thing.
get the job done in a normal eight
hour day. So when I tell you it is
REALLY busy, you can guess what
that means.
We are working on several new
things including The Ultimate
Paintball Field Guide, which will
be available for FREE to players
everywhere. If you own a paintball
field send me an email HERE so we
can get you signed up and into the
We have several other things in the
oven that we’ll tell you about next
month. In the meantime I want
to say thanks to our newest advertisers Azodin, Lurker Paintball,
PBResults, Milsig and Sport Smoke
for their support.
Please give these companies a big
thanks for helping to keep PaintballX3 Magazine FREE to players
If you missed it we did a full 172
page Special Paintball Extravaganza Issue that is full of new products,
interviews and all things “industry” We thank them and we thank you!
related. Please check it out HERE.
Thanks for reading!
If you ask me pretty much anytime
how busy it is around the PaintballX3 Magazine offices I’ll tell you John Amodea
the same thing... it’s too busy to
March 2014