From the Prez
issue 75
Ten Things I Wish We
Could Do Over, Part 2 of 5
december 2014
1. One of the things that
owners” that were operating
out of the back of their cars,
makes sports great is the
running games at times on
historical perspective that
we have from generation to property they didn’t even
own. People that never had
generation. This historical
any intention to run a paintperspective is made possiball business were buying
ble by the meticulous record-keeping that is done in products at wholesale pricsports like baseball, football, es which forced real painthockey, basketball and indi- ball businesses into price
vidual sports like golf, swim- wars and for years no one
made any real money. While
ming and running. If we
could do it all over I wish we this sounds great for the
players, it’s not the way to
would have kept team and
structure and industry. If
individual records from the
business owners don’t make
first major paintball toura decent profit and wage
nament held in 1983 until
the last one held in 2014. It they don’t reinvest in their
businesses and the system
would be awesome to have
falls apart. I wish we had a
game scores, team rosters
do-over on the way we set
and other information from
the early days and especial- up the industry early on.
ly through the 1990s, kept
Next month I’ll give you two
in one central location and/
more things I wish we could
or online.
do over.
2. In the early days of
Thanks for reading!
paintball many paintball
products distributors didn’t
require much more than a
street address and phone
number to become an ofJohn Amodea
ficial “dealer.” In the end
there were hundreds, if not
PaintballX3 Magazine
thousands of paintball “field