Paintball Media Magazine October 2021 | Page 119

In a world that is divided and closed , a lurking monster is growing and plotting . While the rest of the world is isolating themselves and facing devastating blows to their infrastructure , the Chinese Communist Party has been increasing their military girth and their nuclear capabilities . They have been running military exercises and flexing their unyielding might . The worlds ’ powers , trying to focus on their own domestic situations , have warned against any further aggression from China , but given their weakened military capabilities and a worldwide pandemic their threats are empty . The United States of America already bled dry from various military conflicts , the collapse of their financial infrastructure and the pandemic is seemingly helpless against China ’ s military aggressions and live fire exercises . Under the veil of peace and kindness to the world , China has launched a global GPS system that is nothing more than a snake lying in wait to strike . In one swift action China launches coordinated attacks against Guam , Taiwan and the United States . They deliver a crushing strike against the USA that leaves us limping and scrambling . Operation Red Homefront Reloaded took place on September 10th , 11th and 12th , it saw two world powers collide , the American Homefront Resistance and the Chinese PLA , at Black Ops Paintball in Fayetteville , NC .
Mission Masters presented Operation Red Homefront Reloaded to a crowd of hundreds of paintball players eager to join America ’ s resisting force or the Chinese invading army . Marco Morales , of Capital Punishment Paintball , led the American Homefront Resistance ( Blue ) against the invading Chinese PLA ( Red ) forces of Jerry Hughes ’, part of the Misfit Militia . www . paintball . media