Gelblaster SurgeXL
GelBlaster continues its steady takeover of the world , and more paintball fields and airsoft operations are adding this fun , affordable , low-impact entertainment concept to their businesses to great effect ! Speaking of great effect , GelBlaster has released their latest , well , Gel blasting item , and it ’ s a heavy hitter . The GelBlaster Surge was already a massive hit thanks to its reliable , affordable fun , and its big brother , the Surge XL has just kicked open the door ! A rifle-style product to the Gelblaster Surge pistol-style blaster , the Gelblaster SurgeXL pulls into your shoulder for accurate shooting and it probably needs to considering its impressive performance , like a standard 1000 round hopper , semiauto , burst and fully automatic blasting modes and – now get ready because here it comes – adjustable velocity up to a ridiculous 240 feet per second ! Shoot farther than other gelly ball blasters , shoot longer with a massive hopper and a rechargeable lithium battery , and have some environmentally friendly fun with the Gelblaster SurgeXL ! www . Gelblaster . com
JT Woven Gold Glitter Proflex Goggle Strap
JT is back and players young and old , new and seasoned , are loving this renaissance of the legendary brand and the products it continues to crank out . The latest from JT is a new Woven Gold Glitter Proflex goggle strap that offers adjustable performance on any modern JT goggle , with a classic , understated and retro look ! Clean and looking crispy and at-home on just about any Proflex build , the Woven Gold Glitter JT goggle strap is out now and ready to – well - hold your goggles on your head . Fair warning – this is yet another limited release from the greatest goggle brand in paintball , so get this issue of Paintball . Media read and get over to JTPaintball . com and get this thing before it ’ s gone !
08 paintball . media magazine