Tim Schloss , Ray Trimble , Bea youngs & Tom Ghee
Russian and some Polish . Normally there were many from Canada and the rest of the world . I added an extra day on each end of my trip just for complications travelling from Western Canada . I never had one issue , just needed very specific Covid tests travel down and back , within 24 hours of my last flight . Had to be on video with a nurse to watch me take my tests , 30 minutes later test was done , and the result were emailed to me within the hour . Martin from Germany had to test everyone into his facility , so he took the testing course and could issue certificates his self at their paintball field .
What did you think of your first trip to the Paintball Extravaganza ? “ I was overwhelmed ! The first one I ’ ve been to always wanted to come to one . Always had something in the way but forced myself , my wife , my friend ’ s [ Paintball Dave ] and his wife to come to this thing . We flew in from California from a [ woodsball ] tournament . I found it really good , very interesting and saw some real good money making opportunities . Put faces to a lot of the people that I talk with on the phone and in general I think I improved my business . Worth everything . You know I highly recommended for anyone that was even considered to come in and I mean it ’ s our industry see what ’ s going on new products and again you ’ ll get I ’ d put a high value on knowing what I ’ m dealing with and I got to meet most of them .” Tim Schloss of Gateway Paintball , www . gatewaypaintball . com , St . Louis , MO and formerly Tiger Stripe Products .
It was a different world just outside the U . S . Capitol , with no masks , no enforced social distancing , no vaccine passports . The world was starting to feel normal again . I never did test positive for Covid , so no issues going back home either .
The Paintball Industry Awards on Tuesday night were great . All awards are for being in the industry over 25 years , so are 30 years , and some are 35 years .
084 paintball . media magazine