And finally , the Ironmen 16-13 victory over Davis Marauders to make the finals cut .
The finals were set . The Master Blasters , All Americans 2 and Ironmen would battle it out in a three-way round robin , each team playing two games . Once again , there were no flag pulls or flag hangs . The Master Blasters would win both of their stalemate games on points scoring 21 and 17 in the two games . And that would be enough to win the event . The Ironmen and their 27 points in two games would land them in second place and the all Americans 2 would take third places with 22 combined points .
Literally everyone I talked to said they had a blast . And literally everyone I talked to said there were many issues that shouldn ’ t have happened . With only one field in play the event was short refs and pulled players to ref instead of play . The field left a lot to be desired , as already discussed . And there was the cardboard and sharpie scoreboard . This isn ’ t the early 90s . There ’ s no reason the mistakes of 30 years ago should be happening now . We know better .
In truth though , the event did bring me back to the early 90s . Seeing the faces … Vu Hoang , “ Machinegun ” Mike Baird , Joe Munoz , Weez Cook , Dirk Gadberry , Mark Gong , Fred Schultz and on and on . And also in truth , despite the warts , the event as a lot of fun . The WCPL is a brand-new league and I ’ ll give them every chance to improve event to event .
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