Paintball Media Magazine March 2021 | Page 60

The Saberwolves are one of the more cerebral , strategic classic paintball woodsball teams . Does being a surgeon help in game-planning for a pro paintball game ? Is there an analogy to be made here ? during any given procedure , there ’ s a step one and step two and so on and so forth , and I can pretty much write most of it out before ever actually starting it .

I ’ m wouldn ’ t say that being a surgeon necessarily helps , as much as many of the same habits and obsessions apply to both things . Surgery , for example , is very disciplined from start to finish . There is always a plan , and in the operating room I am just executing that plan . I pretty much know what I ’ m going to do in any given surgery well before the surgery takes place . I can visualize it and work it out in my mind all in advance . Although there is always some wiggle room for improvisation
I approach a paintball game in the woods much the same way . I walk the field obsessively and try to understand all of the different ways a field can play . I diagram everything . I measure distances . I look for shortcuts . I look for easy kills . I try to understand the pitfalls , the places that seem obvious , the things that don ’ t , and then I look at the strengths of my team and try to imagine how we can best achieve victory on that field . I try and imagine what other teams are going to try to do , and come up with ways to neutralize those plans . I looooove thinking outside the box . So , in many ways it ’ s like planning a surgery in advance . I try to understand what needs to happen to accomplish the goal , visualize the obstacles , work out how to overcome them , and then put a plan in motion that takes all of that into account .
I would agree that we are cerebral in that sense . It doesn ’ t hurt that I ’ ve got an absurdly athletic and extremely fast squad that gives me an endless set of options to play with .
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