Paintball Media Magazine March 2021 | Page 37

would run it ( I believe the ONLY feature that regularly appeared in multiple paintball publications ); helping to put together the ASO Open series with Kevin Donaldson and Jim Anderson ; putting together the GTO with Biff Thiele ; the USPL game format--including getting it on air without having to buy the airtime ; the ( brief and unsuccessful ) engagement with the National Association of Sports Officials ; the writing of the first NPPL rules book ( because the newly formed NPPL Rules committee couldn ’ t get its act together ); the ruling on the so-called infamous “ Wiping Incident ”; the first meeting and the first year of the NPPL ; chasing the TPD and its player “ Tax ” out of tournaments AND forcing the industry to accept BYOP at tournaments .
What I am most proud of is trying to turn the game into a true sport , which was , in the final analysis , a failure , but an effort I can be proud of .

When you converted your first pump-gun into an auto-cocking marker , did you have any idea that it would eventually become the most iconic paintball product in the game ’ s history ?

I never thought it would take off like it did . I did it because that was what a lot of players wanted at the time . When I made changes to what I manufactured it was because for the players not necessarily what I wanted . A lot of the names of my products came from the players . The sniper name came from the players at SC Village and my teammates Headhunters . www . paintball . media