Paintball Media Magazine March 2021 | Page 25

Your office at GOG / Luxe is right next to Tim Montressor ’ s . How difficult is it to see that office empty every day ?

Coming in everyday and seeing Tim ’ s office empty is always a mixed bag of emotions . It sucks . There is no easy way about it honestly . Our offices are all glass and mesh and so you ’ re always seeing each other and talking back and forth and he was basically the general of the army here . Giving the business as well as people a sense of direction and guidance so now it ’ s just a feeling of pride to try and make his visions come to life and kind of become the people and employees that he always pushed us to be .
Tim was constantly on the phone wheeling and dealing and usually stood in the window of his office and sometimes we find ourselves standing in that window on calls and it ’ s like you ’ re trying to fill the shoes of a giant . There are days you ’ re just fired up and like yup Uncle Timmy would have been making these moves and you just want to make him proud . There some days that are tougher than others . Normally he would be there for guidance or feedback and stuff and it ’ s a feeling of emptiness that ’ s hard to push through mentally then find myself in a rut and it ’ s like a mental block to get through tasks . I don ’ t know if we will ever fill that office or if anyone would ever want to realistically . It ’ s just a double-edged sword of trying to make one of your best friends and biggest influences in your life proud while trying not to allow it to take you into a depressive state .
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