Paintball Media Magazine March 2021 | Page 71

Mike “ Grizzly ” Grubb ( L ), Ralph “ RJ ” Torrell ( L )

You and Dan Bacci know more about paintball gear than anyone I know . Have you thought about sharing your knowledge in a more public platform ?

First off , thank you for a great complement ! Paintball grabbed me at the young age of 10 in 92 ’ or 93 ’. As a member of The Wild Geese I was taught to appreciate my roots very young . I ’ ve always had an interest and appreciation for history , all types of history . It was soon after that I realized I could be part of a new history . The sport was founded basically when I was born , but I got into it as soon as I could . There is an acronym which I started to use and very few people can relate . “ YOTO ,” meaning “ youngest of the old .” That being said , I still strive for more knowledge and there ’ s always something someone has to offer to teach me better .
As far as sharing my knowledge in a more public platform , I ’ m more of an in-person storyteller . I love the personal connection I get with people when I set up a traveling museum with Bryan Keker , Bill Bailey , Brian DeAlba , Carl Atkins , Steve Cousano , and many more group effort contributors depending on what region of the United States I ’ m traveling to . I feel bad not naming them all . That ’ s not to say I would be opposed to sharing it on a more public platform — the right opportunity has just not come along yet . We are still a very young sport in the grand scheme of things . I am who I am because of the support of my paintball family . People who I may only see once or twice a year but after 15 minutes of seeing each other again it ’ s like we never left . That ’ s something I hold sacred .
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