Paintball Media Magazine June 2024 | Page 9

Planet Eclipse Geo R5

Planet Eclipse has unveiled a massive redesign of the GEO platform in the Geo R5 , and while you may think it ’ s just a CS3 in another case , it really isn ’ t . The Geo has been Re : Imagined . Re : Designed . Re : Loaded .
Having fine tuned their designs and technology with the CS line , PE ’ s innovation is now trickling down into other platforms . The grips , feedneck , barrel and POPS , as well as the high-end MME electronics package that was introduced to the CS3 and LV2 have been carried over to the R5 .
But , the pneumatic operation of the Geo R5 is unique to this marker , as is the concealed eye covers feature and the way the marker feels in the hand .
This Geo looks different , feels different , and runs on an all new GR Drivetrain , loaded with redesigns on the IVCore that brought the previous Geos their famed shot characteristics which Planet promises to be buttery smooth , super stable with very low kick .
The infamous Geo ‘ bump ’ in the frame has been removed due to the relocation of solenoid for a cleaner frame . Longer reach , slimmer in almost every area than before , more space for your hands , a much more precise and up to date package . The operation of the marker and the SFR ( solenoid flow restrictor ) aspect enables the user to really fine tune the marker ’ s behavior to suit them .
Available in six launch colors combinations , Redemption : Red / Electric Blue , Rebellion : Purple / Orange , Retribution : Bronze / Sandstone , Resilience : Graphite / British Racing Green , Resurgence : Gold / Blue , and the blacked out Midnight Resistance .
Available now for preorder , shipping on the new Geo 5R begins on June 17 . Check it out here https :// planeteclipse . com / marker / geo-r5 /