Paintball Media Magazine June 2024 | Page 62

Texas is not a place that is commonly associated with water . In fact , the word ‘ Texas ’ typically evokes images of tumbleweeds , cactus , and deserts for the average person . But , as the second Pro major in less than two months came to town , Texas , yet again , served up thunderstorms , and the mud bath was glorious . At least , from a photographer ’ s perspective , that is .
Unlike the NXL Lone Star major which was mudded out for the Pro division at the end of April , the International Classic Paintball League is intended to be played in all elements , and perhaps the water brought the environmental challenge that the fields were otherwise lacking .
As field walks commenced on Saturday morning , it became apparent that the lake adjacent to Cousins Paintball , where the event was played , had risen and flooded the banks … right where the fields were situated . The fields , which were a mix of hyper pipe and airball bunkers , quite literally became one with the lake until the water receded . For the purists who continue to argue classic paintball is played in the woods and Texas does not have great woods to offer , this may have been just enough of a challenge to overcome their criticisms for this event .
Undaunted , the players decided to not only make the best of the situation , but to embrace it with eagerness and fervor . Let ’ s be honest . Somewhere deep inside every one of us is that little kid who still likes to splash in muddy puddles . So , let your inner three-year-old shine , people , because we are in it to win it , even if we are going to swim it .
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