Paintball Media Magazine June 2024 | Page 35

Saturday , after it was established that shooting the wild life was strictly forbidden , the main game began , and Red Commander Junior Wong faced off against Blue General Jacob Easter of the Toxic Teddy ’ s .
As game play began Saturday morning , the blue team immediately showed dominance and never let up . Rather than own the front of the field , they moved to occupy all of the bridges in the back field , the choke points that cut-off the Red team ’ s access to the back field . This move was executed to precision . The front of the field saw plenty of action as walking tanks moved front lines around the castle , and the endless battle in the grinder ensued . The back and forth push of the line ebbed like the tides as paint and air supplies dwindled . But the choke hold that the blue team maintained on the bridges decided the game .
Photo By Aaron Dill
Sunday , the teams switched sides , and the Red team made a valorous attempt to regain the ground lost to field dominance on Saturday . But , as fate would have it , the deficit proved too much to overcome , and the Blue team did , in fact emerge victorious .
In the midst of the chaos , there were games within the game , and stories within the story .
One side game included a Sniper Challenge hosted by Jon Metcalf and Matthew Biga of Sidewinder Paintball . We never did get the rules on this one , and we aren ’ t sure who won , but the competition was fierce and the First Strike rounds seemed to be everywhere .
In addition , there was a story of hope from the blue team as well .
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