Paintball Media Magazine June 2023 | Page 60

Words & Photos By Cheryl Ellis

Words & Photos By Cheryl Ellis

At this year ’ s Living Legends , paintball history was made as two old friends and renowned scenario generals faced-off for one last time and then laid down the mantle of command for good .
Richard “ Mamba ” Money Jr . of Capital Defense , and the Mad Frog himself William Crook went head to head in what was their third match-up , each coming in with one win and one loss against the other . Both seasoned leaders who have served as generals in countless scenarios games around the country over the past twenty years stood on stage prior to game start and announced that this game would be both of their last as commanders .
According to Mamba , “ it ’ s just time .” After 20 years of banging the drum to recruit teams and organize events , he is ready to get back to just playing and having fun . Mad Frog made a similar statement from the stage on the day of the event .
As fate would have it , the evidence of their immeasurable contributions to the sport of paintball shone through in their final campaign as several young guns stepped up , making epic moves certain to become stories of legend on their own .
The measure of a leader ’ s success is neither in the number of teams they can recruit , not their record of wins and losses , but in how well they are able to motivate and inspire the people around them to grow . For these two generals , that is exactly what they accomplished .
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