Paintball Media Magazine June 2023 | Page 54

Players line their spawn / starting line and stare down the enemy trying to put them on tilt with displays of dominance or war cries . You can literally feel the excitement , nerves and anticipation . For some this is their 15th + final battle , for others possibly their 1st , everyone remembers their first . When the horn rips through the air the stampede of savage warriors feels like it could be measured on the Richter scale . At this time scores don ’ t matter , only domination matters . Some players race for position , some race to score and some just start blasting . Whether you are a spectator or an actual player it is quite a spectacle to witness . Solstice Law in a feat befitting their spirit can actually be seen darting in and out doing paint checks and pulling players / props . This is where savagery calls home , this is where the campfire stories are constructed , the final battle is where Legends are made .
As the final battle ends , signaling the end of competition , the paint ceases to fly , the dust begins to settle and players meet at the fifty to exchange hugs , high fives and good games . DJ begins to tally the scores , after months of preparation / collaboration
Photo By Aaron Dill and three days of paintball related events it all comes down to the final score ; who goes home exhausted and who goes home victorious ( and exhausted ). There are so many working parts that go into making these games a success . To the women and men spend thousands on media equipment and put themselves in the battle to make us look like heroes and cement our memories , thank you . To the women and men that take their weekend to make sure we have fair and safe play , as well as help out with missions and add intensity to the game , thank you . To the field owners / operators that work tirelessly to make sure we have amazing facilities to utilize , thank you . To CPX , DJ Honu and Lani Fox , thank you for spending some much time and heart into creating these games , you bring us all together and provide us with intensity on and off the field , thank you . To all the players that spend their time , play their hearts out and leave it all on the field time and time again , thank you . Congratulations to Mamba , his staff and his armies on an incredible and well-deserved win ! We hope to see everyone at the next Legends event , Dreaded Legends , and for Living Legends 16 !
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