Paintball Media Magazine June 2023 | Page 45

That one key play you make could be told around campfires for years to come and with the help of very skilled photographers your moment could be captured for a lifetime . The armies have been assembled , the commanders have belted their strategy , the countdown is nearing an end , the time is now . As players stack their respective starting lines , their breath flows hot , heavy like fire from depths of hell , their hearts beat like ancient Mongol drums , and their minds raced with thoughts of bloodlust and glory .
The start siren screeches through the air and the warriors storm the field tearing , clawing and fighting for every inch just to out-position and dominate their opponent . Mad Frogs horde appeared to have picked up right where they left off in Living Legends 10 , but Mamba is never one to be overlooked . He placed his soldiers in just the right positions to start gaining points and gaining ground . Mamba and his blue army began a level of domination that would be hard to overcome . Neither command staff was willing to concede an ounce , they fought with the fiery passion of honey badger fighting for its life . As day one came to a close it appeared as though the blue team was running away with it but the story told by the scoreboard was not as absolute . It was still any team ’ s victory , any team ’ s chance at eternal glory .
Hell Survivors have been serving paintball players for nearly 40 years proving they know how to deliver the best action / adventure around . They offer 12 different playing fields to give anyone and everyone a truly unique paintball experience . They ’ ve been the host to many big games such as Tippmann World Challenge , GI SPORTZ World Challenge , Monster Game , Global
Conquest , Armageddon and this is the third time they will be hosting the CPX marquee event Living Legends . They offer enough space for a dream list of vendors that truly could satisfy even the pickiest paintball connoisseur . They had camping and staging areas , enough to hold the 1000 + attendees for LL15 . For those that came to enjoy the spectacle or for those wary warriors ready to quench their thirst after a full day of savagery , they have a fully stocked Tiki Bar , it even includes the occasional splash of turtle juice . Hell Survivors has gone out of their way , year after year , to truly provide the most amazing experience for any paintballer , and they always seem to surpass their own standards .
Day two has a way of starting off with a bag of mixed emotions . One is excited and ready to avenge / continue the day before , looking forward to the battles that lie ahead . One is sensing the end of the weekend is near , a weekend that is anticipated for so long . Some even have to find ways of dispelling the debauchery of the night before . The field is swapped , the lines are drawn and it is a new day ; the mistakes or missteps from day one can be easily mended and domination / momentum can swing in the blink of an eye . As the game begins and the armies invade the field , the tug of war for day two has begun . The back and forth between two formidable teams make the game seem all but won for either side . Both experienced commanders place their different squads like chess pieces , clawing for props and territory . The stalemate which seems to revolve throughout the day only ceases at the end of regulation time . At this point in time only one thing separates these commanders from eternal glory , the final battle . . www . paintball . media