Paintball Media Magazine June 2023 | Page 38

which can be very tasking but very rewarding , their staff is drafted for them by CPX . Players that wanted to be considered for a leadership position , and possibly a command , put their name in a proverbial hat and names were randomly selected for each commander ’ s staff . We even saw teams having players on both command staffs . As with any new idea this did meet some speculation but that can be sincerely put to rest as the program proved an overwhelming success . The commanders receive able-bodied and motivated staff to help recruit and complete missions . The staff receives experience and recognition as they begin or advance their paintball career . Months of recruiting with these legendary commanders and their excited and vibrant staff provided for an exciting game , intense firefights and heartwarming comradery .
The event started off exactly how it ended , perfection . As players arrived they were greeted with the fiery epic that is Hell Survivors and the paintball family that CPX brings to every game . As people arrived they paid tribute to the legends , visited vendor row for gear and soft goods , viewed the paintball memorabilia and greeted friends / family that they haven ’ t seen since the last event . As with any niche community the devout participants transcend just being people with the same interests , they become family . It may sometimes be a weird family but we are family nonetheless . Friday night is filled with command meetings , CPX side missions , camping , dinners and the occasional debauchery . The Saturday morning atmosphere of any paintball event is thick with excitement , anticipation and coffee , but this is not just any event , this is Living Legends . The atmosphere is electric , you can feel the nerves pulsing through every person preparing for battle . This event is aptly named , not just because it brings a star-studded cast of notorious players , but because it creates Legends . It takes a show of leadership , one decisive action or just an absolute courageous feat to seal your glory in the history books forever .
Photo By Aaron Dill
038 paintball . media magazine