Paintball Media Magazine June 2023 | Page 33

What are we doing this May ? Tthe same thing we do every May ; Living Legends ! This year marks the 15th time that this banner event has busted into your calendar to bring you the biggest firefights and the best paintball party . CPX has been delivering the biggest names in paintball and has served up the most memorable moments than any other event in the sport . Their chief export may be incredible events ; however , their producer DJ Honu Fox ’ s chief expert is the most legendary players to grace the paintball arena . Living Legends XV brings us back to Hell Survivors in Michigan , a field that is no stranger to delivering intense paintball and fulfilling adventures . CPX , Hell Survivors and this incredible paintball family are the ingredients to an invigorating gumbo sure to inflame the senses , the emotions and maybe a muscle or two . These games aren ’ t made truly successful by the producer or the field ; they provide the story , the stage and the props . It is the players that make these games a celebration and the generals that make it an event . Honu decided this year that he was going to hit us all with a blast from the past as we see two former generals that were once formidable foes .
Did someone play the recap video for Living Legends 10 , the last game and CPX in Joliet , IL , because it seems like Mamba and Mad Frog are recruiting and ascending the stage . No it is not a recap from Living Legends 10 , these two Legendary Commanders have been brought back for one more explosive event . DJ Honu Fox has set the stage of Living Legends 15 for some epic competition . Both of these commanders are no stranger to general-ing Legends events and even have prior victories . They did compete against each other at Living Legends 10 with Mad Frog being the victor . This is a new year and Honu has some new ideas for the players and commanders . As opposed to the commanders building their command staff ,
Photo By Aaron Dill
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