Paintball Media Magazine June 2023 | Page 101

This wild adventure of a scenario game takes you back to a simpler age …
An age when you immersed yourself in the game and took on a role and played your part as your given character to help your team progress along through the story .
Hosted at the famous Sherwood Forest paintball field , this theme and format felt right at home . For this format each team must help their costumed role players reconstruct scenes from the history of Robin Hood , their role players must interact props , locations , enemy role players and even the third faction to complete their role play missions .
During the course of the event , teams must do their best to accumulate gold coins to make sure that they always have gold to pay their taxes or give to their role players to use their superpowers and complete side quests .
Meanwhile as the peasants fight on … teams must take over certain territories on field , depending on what territories they own , each team will be able to train a special kind of player to help them fight the war . However , the more territories a team owns the more that team must pay in taxes every half hour to the crown . Taxes are heavy and they can quickly change your shiny pile of gold into a heart wrenching debt that you owe to the crown .

“ Sherwood forest is always known for having amazing night play sections during their scenario games .”

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