Paintball Media Magazine June 2021 | Page 117

One of the game ’ s highlights was the Cobras setting up an assembly line across the field to transport props as their secondary objective . Genius . The Cobras ’ General Lee Williams noted , “ It was a crazy game that it just wasn ’ t any other game . It was a marathon running back and forth for them orbs one by one .” The Guardians ’ General Christopher LaComba recalled one of his favorite moments in the game saying , “ When I had just gotten back from respawn and found four of my team standing around not really knowing what to do , so I took them with me to flank the Dragons and Cobras who at this point had a train of tennis balls being pulled from the center and dropped off at a nearby fort . So we snuck right up to the group by keeping our markers lowered and slowly walking up . As soon as we came upon the closest opposing team we started surrendering them quietly until there was no one left . We keep pushing up their flank when all of a sudden , we hear from their radio that their entire flank just got wiped . I will never forget how happy those players were after making that play even as we got taken out by the rest of them up in the hood .”
Nexus ended with a bang as the final battle was intense . Lee Williams , the winning General said of the final battle , “ Final battle was the best . At one point it was only my Cobras side against two different teams .
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