Paintball Media Magazine July 2023 | Page 117

Zac Arbuckle , Photographer

Zac Arbuckle , founder of Inspire Photography , is a paintball player turned photographer and a key cog at Paintball . Media . Never afraid of getting into the hottest spots on the field , you can feel the game ’ s intensity in Zac ’ s photos . He found his home with CPX Events and you can find him at their incredible games like Living Legends , Bones and Ashes , Dreaded Legends , and Endless Legends , along with many other games in the upper midwest . - Photo by “ Zac ’ s wife ”

Glenn Mehltretter Writer , Photographer

Glenn Mehltretter is an enigma , part ninja , part storyteller and always looking for a fun filled adventure . From remodeling houses to selling commercial printing and running his own hand bindery business , to doing photography / videography , or baking some mouth watering temptations in his custom kitchen he designed and built . He also started and runs the social media brand Trails of Doom on Youtube , Facebook , Instagram and Twitter . In his spare time he helps large corporations implement Requisite Organization into their companies by making their “ PeopleFit ” through consulting company started by his father . A former
BMX flatland pro where he learned how to be a influencer prior to the invention of social media as he made the first “ search for sponsors ” video in 1987 , and performed in shows / contests all across the country in the late 80 ’ s and early 90 ’ s .

cheryl ellis Writer , Photographer

Originally hailing from Los Angeles , Cheryl Ellis was born a legitimate Valley Girl . During her college search , she made a wrong turn and ended up with a new home town in Philadelphia , PA at Temple University and graduated in a stunning 6 years with a degree in Journalism and Political Science . After the birth of her first son , Cheryl found the sport of paintball and it has since become her outlet and refuge . She has gained some notoriety around the sport for her participation in scenario games at Skirmish and as a player with Valkyries Woodsball team . When she isn ’ t playing ball , Cheryl spends most of her time working on advocacy projects for trauma survivorship and autism , or with her three children exploring outdoors and engaging in tomfoolery and shenanigans .
paintball . media magazine
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