Paintball Media Magazine February 2021 February 2021 | Página 60

Left to Right : Steve Bull , Tom cole , DeWayne Convirs , Dean Del Prete
Steve Bull - Steve set up the UKPSF , governing body in the UK and one who single handily saved the game from being banned several times . As a field owner he has also advised many other countries on the establishment of their own paintball governing bodies . Steve ’ s best work is done behind the scenes but he has helped shape UK paintball for many years .
Tom Cole – Tom Cole played paintball at the highest level for more than 15 years and yet he ’ s played on only one team--the one he founded and captained , Bad Company of Maryland . Tom ’ s been a paintball store owner ( The Company Store ), an executive at Kingman / Spyder , a key person in the day to day operations of the PSP and owner and founder of the UWL ( Ultimate Woodsball League ). Tom has been the President of the new National Xball league since its inception .
DeWayne Convirs – Scenario paintball is the single most popular format of the game of paintball . No matter how great you think you look in bright blue , yellow or red , the vast majority of the people playing right now are still wearing some combination of green , brown and black and when they get together , they do it in numbers bigger than any tournament . Living proof is the event put together each year by DeWayne Convirs , Oklahoma D-Day . The largest paintball event this side of Moscow , Russia , D-Day draws players from all walks of the game : regular players , re-enactors , spectators , campers , vendors and sponsors . Either way , DeWayne ’ s game is the biggest paintball event around , not to mention a respectful commemoration of the Invasion of Normandy in World War II and that makes him an important part of paintball ’ s history !
Dean Del Prete , Paul Sattler B , Steve Cusano - Dean Del Prete and Paul Sattler have run Cousins Paintball in New York for more than 30 years . They ’ ve expanded into New Jersey and even as far as Texas . Their annual Big Game is one of the longest running in the game as they enter year 30 in 2021 . Although not a partner in the company , Steve Cusano has been a fixture at Cousins for 27 years .
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