Paintball Media Magazine December 2020 | Page 83

the adult based movie in a G-rated concept , with basic field and safety rules . He quizzes the kids before they are let back to the parents . And door prizes are handed out before the game even starts . It is extremely rewarding for kids if they know the movie and the event staff . To finish off the rules Team Loyalty becomes a little silly but having Bobby Kirby of Team Odyssey being wrapped in silly string .
Following that silly mess is the adult safety meeting . Viper does not miss a beat with paintball safety and lets players know the rules . The referees are led by Bunny Riggs . Her and the team support Viper ’ s as medical , referees , and operations . Vipers goes over all the basic rules and the theme of the event . He also includes local , and state guidelines for the sport . Once his 30-minute speech is over the game beings with a loud screamer followed by radio chatter of “ game on .”

The Field

Black Tree Paintball is in the rolling hills of a small central Texas town . The name of the park was given due to a wildfire in 2011 and 2015 , which many trees are left with those scars . The Park holds both a paintball field and a gun range on the other side of the ranch . Owner Charles Chester built the paintball park 3 years ago . He is going strong into their 2nd year with Viper , despite this Covid-19 pandemic . Viper ’ s events are always strong with large turn outs here in Texas , Oklahoma , and the unforgivable EMR event . Black Tree Paintball , like many fields , has taken the step to ensure safety is 100 % for all players and staff . In fact , they closed in spring but in that time pointed added an NXL field . Lucky , Black Tree Paintball was able to reopen based on the local and state laws . Many players had custom face mask on , kept to their small group of people , or social distanced . www . paintball . media