JT ICE ProFlex
Here we are – 2022 has come and gone and we ’ re kicking off 2023 ! We said about 47 times ( Editor ’ s Note – or maybe once a month for close to 12 , Josh ?) that last year was the “ Year of the Goggle ” with so many new models and new colors of existing styles hitting the market , allowing players to express their individuality inside the net in new and colorful ways ! JT clearly didn ’ t get the memo that the Year of the Goggle is over , because they rang in the new year with the new JT ICE Proflex , a throwback to the IZE JT goggles that looked so good so long ago ! As we said on our social media , SOME of us wore those IZE goggles when they came out and looked good doing it , and now the new generation can get a taste of that translucent red and blue goodness ! By now you know where to go for everything JT paintball , but we ’ ll remind you out of protocol – see the entire line of JT goggles and gear at JTPaintball . com !
a h can s the next -fire for under $ 200 thermal lens that offers optical system provides comfort and ease custom , secure , and comfortable provide vital game time information evolution in paintball goggle system