Paintball Media : How do you manage such a colossal game for 2 days ? Tools , team , etc ?
Marc Morél : A big part is the preparation , the planning of the event takes 9 months and more than 10 people are involved . Everyone involved has been doing this for a very long time , so there is a lot of expertise .
We don ’ t use any big management tools , we have Asana for task coordination and classic Excel . What ’ s new is that we actively use Discord to simplify management before and during match days , so we inform the players in advance and distribute the missions during the match days .
On game days , there are about 100 people who keep everything running , of which about 70 are just there to control the game , distribute missions and so on .
Paintball Media : What were your major challenges at ESG2024 as a game organizer ?
Marc Morél : The biggest challenge was to ensure that the times were adhered to . Coordinating the teams , the marshals , the organisation and the individual parts of the days is a big challenge .
Paintball Media : What should the players expect for ESG 2025 ?
Marc Morél : We are continuing to digitalise the game and will be introducing more vehicles into the overall game . Each faction will receive emergency vehicles in the coming year which they can use freely . Ares Alpha will also be integrated more into the game to capture points .
Marc Morél :
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