Paintball Media Magazine August 2004 | Page 82

By Cheryl Ellis


The Inherent Disconnect Between All Stakeholders Laid Bare at Paintball ’ s Largest Scenario Game

Skirmish IoN , the legendary Invasion of Normandy scenario game and annual tradition that plays out in the Poconos each July was a spectacle to be sure .
More than 3,500 players participated this year . Forty-plus vendors lined vendor row . Thousands camped out on the grounds of Skirmish USA , some arriving more than a week before the event even started . Despite the above-average temperatures and humidity , even the emergency medical staff reported there were no major injuries and only a handful of dehydration incidents that required treatment .
On the surface , the event was a success by all accounts , but to anyone involved in the game , a very different story played out . Our biggest blemishes are made most apparent under the brightest lights . Whether or not IoN 2024 was a bright enough spotlight on our issues remains
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