Paintball Media Magazine August 2004 | Page 20

The Bullets , 1982 - 1983

The Bullets , 1982 - 1983

• Spring 1982 : The National Survival Game Is In Full Swing
By the Spring of 1982 the NSG was stocking and selling full survival kits that included AO brand goggles , Nelspot 007 markers and tubes of oil-based Nelson paint pellets . They are now signing up official NSG game sites and supplying all of their needs . The first order the NSG received was from a Texas oilman named Carl McCown . Although he never opened or ran a commercial game field , McCown did order survival packages to entertain guests and business associates .
• Late Spring 1983 : First Survival Field Opens
Caleb Strong of Rochester , New York opens the first NSG paintball field . By the late 80s Strong expanded to both
indoor and outdoor fields , as well as starting a substantial mail order paintball equipment business . Strong was also the captain of one of the early powerhouse paintball teams in the mid- 80s called the PMI Piranhas .
• Early Summer 1982 : The Survival Game Has A Theme Song
It ’ s only a year since the first game ever played and momentum for the Survival game is spreading like wildfire . One of the game ’ s early players , Billy Wightman , a full-time musician , wrote a song he dubbed , “ It ’ s Called Survival .” Wightman performed the song as part of his local New Hampshire gigs and often Gurnsey , Gaines , Noel and other early players would show up to hear the set . Wightman played the song often at a restaurant and bar in New Hampshire owned by Debra Dion , who later would worked for the NSG and even later , ran the IAO in Pittsburgh .
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