Debra Dion Krischke with Bob.
immediately. Within two years Bob wrote the rules for the
first ever national level paintball tournament. NSG hosted,
promoted and ran the event which then became a four
stop national circuit, similar to what we have today. By this
point in history there were more than 375 NSG paintball
fields nationwide in the U.S. and the rest of the world took
notice and wanted in. In 1985 Bob and his company
designed and manufactured the first “gun” made
specifically for the game of paintball—The Splatmaster.
its mounting legal fees.
But with this tremendous growth came a very big downside.
Many people were playing the game unsupervised and
with unsafe goggles. Injuries came and lawsuits mounted
against Bob and NSG. By 1995, despite creating a
worldwide industry, 103 lawsuits had been filed against
Bob and his company. And although his legal counsel
advised he file bankruptcy in 1988, he held on until 1995
and simply ran out of money to sustain the company and
I personally can’t even imagine what my life would be
without paintball. I met my wife through paintball. I met
some of my best friends through paintball. I have earned
a living in paintball for 26 years. I’ve been to places I never
would have without this game. So from the bottom of m