Paintball Magazine September 2015 | Page 40

Photo by Gary Baum preliminary round, DBS got hot beating Chicago Outbreak 4-0, One Nation 2-1, then DZ All Starz II in the finals to take first in Division Four Xball. Ohio Power took third place by beating One Nation in the consolation game. For more go to Ten teams entered the Virginia Beach Open ten-man division and it was Inman Eagles defeating Washington Winstons in the finals 5-0. The Looney Tunes won the Open Division, Maryland Malitia won the Division 3 fiveman and Scumdogs beat Miami Devious in the Division Four finals. PROFESSIONAL DIVISION 1- EDMONTON IMPACT 2- SAN ANTONIO X-FACTOR 3- SAN DIEGO DYNASTY 4- LOS ANGELES IRONMEN Next up is the NXL World Cup October 14 – 18, 2015 and it’s back in Kissimmee, Florida. The new World Cup venue is situated in between Disney and Old Town Kissimmee. 040 paintball magazine NXL SEASON RANKINGS – TOP FOUR, POST VA BEACH SEMI-PROFESSIONAL 1- SEATTLE UPRISING 2- DISTORTION 3- NEW YORK OUTLAWS