Paintball Magazine Paintball.Media Magazine September 2019 | Page 19
The 2019 Iron City Classic sold out in record
time thanks in no small part to the 2018 event,
which was an excellent throw-back paintball
tournament featuring woodsball, Hyperball
and Mounds fields, mechanical or 5.5 electro
markers and some of paintball’s current and
former top players. For its latest installment,
promoter Tim Montressor did all he could
to include as many teams and players as
time, space and host field Urban Assault
outside Pittsburgh would allow. Expanding
the available ten-man team slots to 72
and adding a Friday five-man competition
required more than just more mowed grass
to park cars and allow for team staging: he
needed an additional playing field to make
it all work. He and Urban Assault figured
one out, and added a “Hybrid” woods
field with some wooden structures to the
impressive Hyperball, amazing Mounds and
classic woods field, setting the stage for a
truly remarkable, feel-good paintball event
packed with intense paintball competition,
friendly camaraderie, several vendors, a
GoSports webcast and a vibe like nothing
competition paintball’s seen since the heyday
of the International Amateur Open.
In contrast to the 2018 Iron City Classic’s
steamy ninety-plus-degree temperatures,
the 2019 event, while predominantly warm
and sunny save an evening thunderstorm
or two, saw temperatures in the eighties,
making the days of five and ten-man battle
much more manageable. Vendors on-hand
at Urban Assault for the early August event
included a G.I. Sportz paint truck packed
with pink-filled Evil, UNDR, HK Army, Valken,
Virtue, Infamous, Powerhouse, GOG,
Adrenalin, Inception, NFG and many more,
showing a large amount of industry support