Paintball Magazine Paintball.Media Magazine August 2019 | Page 98

Photo By Aaron Dill It was a wonderful weekend of scenario paintball, as to be expected when visiting Indy Paintball Battlegrounds. The staff really cares about the field and with Jay “Shadowfox” Jordan and James Hineman designing the games, it’s a recipe for a great time! I am thankful for their team, Grim Reaper’s, for sacrificing their time to come out to referee and to help in making sure all the missions are running smoothly. It made for a successful weekend with the staff knowing paintball as well as the player. I would like to close my potion of this article 098 magazine by saying how thankful I am for paintball and all who are involved. I feel like overall it is a very positive sport that creates strong friendships in people who barely know each other. I would encourage anyone of all ages and backgrounds to try to come out and play paintball sometime. You never know, you may surprise yourself with what you can do when you are in the heat of battle! I have been playing this sport for 21 years and it seems my love for the game is going nowhere!”