Paintball Magazine Paintball.Media Magazine August 2019 | Page 61

to their urban tactical field, Sin City. They provide campsites, vast staging areas and Exotic Sports, a pro shop providing all a paintballer’s needs. Their field is complemented by their ancillary facilities with their paint trailer, reliable air system and a fully stocked tiki bar. Rolling through the gates of Hell Survivors for a Mission Masters event is like Dante’s stroll through the Inferno, there will be layers to fight through, each with its own punishment, and all just to meet the devil at the end. Surviving day one of a MM event is true test of one’s faculties, each player needs to be full throttle the moment they step into the staging area. The game does not begin at the horn, nor does it begin the minute you step on the field, it begins the moment you are handed the first mission’s documents. Each mission lasts 50 minutes with a 50 minute period in between. The 50 minutes off can be used to prepare yourself for the next battle or to relax and swap lies with your fellow ballers. As Abraham Lincoln once said “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” As the warriors are preparing for war, the Commanders and Advisors are deciphering the first missions and strategizing a battle plan. Strategizing is not just on their shoulders but their allies as well, each faction is allied, by lottery before each mission, with another faction to form an alliance for that given mission. The factions will have alliance missions to complete together and faction missions that have to be completed individually. With battle plans devised and the warriors readied the fight for supremacy dawns. When the horn bellows through the Photo By Mark van der Vegt 061