Paintball Magazine Paintball.Media January 2018 | Page 130

The whole day was riddled with countless attempts of people grouping up to take on the opposing side, and sometimes it worked. Not everyone was successful, but you have to give them an “A” for effort. Advancing by the two’s, three’s and even four’s, players relentlessly pushed the line to help their teammates gain the upper hand. The downpour of rain made visibility tough, but that didn’t stop anyone from taking that leap of faith in order to get to the next building up ahead. With buildings secured by both teams, it was now time for them to get the flags. Both sides sent players one 130 magazine after another to try and obtain the flag which would mean certain victory for them. Ultimately, the red team was victorious in the long, grueling battle of Take the Town. The wet, cold weather was no deterrent for the passion fueled players that showed up that day, and everyone gave their best to work together as a team and accomplish a unified goal. Capturing a flag might sound easy, and maybe it is. Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes to lead your team to victory at next year’s Take the Town!