Paintball Magazine Paintball Media Magazine, May 2019 | Page 70

Photo By Thomas McDaniel It is very tasking to walk for twenty plus minutes to find action, well Dreaded Legends was action packed at every corner of the field. When touring the field players should have noticed that there are differences in every corner of the field map, for example in the back left corner of the field exists a swamp. For simulated battle this swamp adds to the full effect of what scenario players love about their fields but for strategic purposes this created a tactical difference between the right and left sides of the field and it made field choice seem like a vital decision. If you have been to a CPX event then you know that DJ Honu Fox loves to be entertained by his Commanders during their competition for field choice, a coin flip would do just fine, but there is entertainment value in doing more. In the past we have seen flip cup, board games, cornhole, building 070 magazine competitions and much, much more. For 2019 Honu had his Commanders and their XO’s compete in a 3 v 3 tourney on a speedball field, but instead of relying on their own markers of choice they were to use rental markers and were also required to hand-load paintballs instead of relying on hoppers. Shortly after the break we saw the Buccaneers go down one player by losing their Commander but they quickly evened the count by taking out the Marauder’s Commander. One of the earliest lessons we learn in paintball is to check your hit, you should not call “hit” or continue to play on without confirmation of a break, the Buccaneers were relieved to know that William Crook had learned this lesson long before this battle. Archangel ran down the outside line to shoot out Crook from the side but, unfortunately for Archangel, it did not break and more unfortunately for him, Crook checked his