Paintball Magazine Paintball Media Magazine July 2016 Issue | Page 68
thing for breast cancer awareness, and paintball players
alike. Breast cancer is a growing epidemic in the U.S. and
Midwest Clothing is doing what they can to help support
people in need. These pants are a collaboration with Raza
Paintball based off of the popular HMD pant line. These
pants are a mix of camouflage and the popular breast
cancer awareness pink. All profits from these pants will
go towards a local charity that helps women in need that
cannot afford treatment they need so much to keep up
their fight! Be sure to check out our Midwest Clothing
article in this issue to read more about the background of
the company.
The sizing of these pants are spot on to your regular sizing,
068 magazine
even for women! Although these pants are pink, there is
no reason men can’t rock these awesome pants to help
support Breast Cancer Awareness. When I got my pair,
taking them out of the package you can just feel the high
quality these pants are made of. They look nice, feel nice,
and are very durable. Some pants nowadays aren’t built to
last making it difficult to play the way you want and need
to play. These pants are both comfortable and durable, so
you can play hard without having to sacrifice your comfort.
Walking around in these pants, I felt like I was wearing
protective, comfortable sweatpants. I felt like I could wear
these around my house all day! But despite wanting to
just sit down and watch Netflix in them, I decided to go