Paintball Magazine Paintball Magazine Nov 2019 Issue | Page 24
The Games
games including a 6-5 win over the Golden
State Kings. Moscow Red Legion also
In the Pro division Russian Legion has dominated the pro preliminary rounds
been on fire this season, winning the first with four straight wins to the surprise of
two events and placing third in Prague. no one.
Edmonton Impact has two third place
finishes and a win in Prague and Golden Joy Division, Golden State Kings, Houston
State Kings have two second place Heat and Breakout Spa each won three
finishes and a fifth in Prague. Lurking of their four preliminary round games.
closely behind the top three is Houston Edmonton Impact won two but it was
Heat with two fourth place finishes and a enough for them to advance.
second in Prague.
After a non-Edmonton Impact like start
Ronhold Blast got off to a slow start this to the NXL Europe World Championships
2019 season, placing dead last (16th) in the boys from Canada (and America) put
the Pro division in Costa Brava, Spain. it all together against Houston Heat in the
With each passing event Blast has gotten quarterfinals, winning 5-3 and sending
stronger and stronger placing 7th and Heat home way earlier than anyone
4th in Chantilly, France and Prague. They would have expected. Ronholt Blast gave
continued their strong play in Amsterdam, everything they had against Golden State
winning all four of their preliminary round Kings but came up one point short in
024 magazine