Paintball Magazine Paintball Magazine Nov 2019 Issue | Page 19
The National Xball League Europe (NXL
Europe) began its second season in Costa
Brava, Spain this past March. Six months
later four winners would be crowned in
each of the fourteen divisions, all time
European team attendance records
would be pushed if not broken and the
American based NXL has proven it can
run quality, competitive, fair events 3000
miles from its home base. It’s been quite a
season in European tournament paintball.
The NXL Europe World Championships
were held just outside of Amsterdam,
Netherlands the last weekend this past
September. A whopping 230 teams were
in attendance, nearing the most ever at
any paintball tournament anywhere in
Europe. Quite the feat for the second
season of this new league that replaced
the Millennium Series which had been
producing high level evens for 19 years.
This year’s finale event on the European
pro/am paintball tour took a detour from
its usual spot in Chantilly, France—and the
change certainly seems to have been a
good one for team and player attendance.
The European World Championships
were played at a recreational facility
about 30 minutes from the center of old
town Amsterdam.
As always, the vendor village was busy
and all of the usual company, European
and otherwise, were on hand.
The weather… oh the weather. Rain and
mud and more rain and more mud.