Paintball Magazine Paintball Extravaganza Special Edition | Page 82

WHEN YOU THINK OF AIR TANKS, you think of Ninja. Ninja Paintball is a division of Pressure Specialist Inc. (PSI). PSI has designed and manufactured paintball products for over 20 years, and currently holds over 12 patents on different paintball products. Ninja didn’t use to be this popular, but they were still around nonetheless. Ninja designs and manufactures regulators, fill stations, hose assemblies, and many other paintball products. They have manufactured more regulators in the past 15 years than any other paintball company. The best part is, their products are manufactured in the USA! The Ninja booth was one of the busiest we saw at Paintball Extravaganza! They had some great new products that everyone wanted to see. One of those cool new products is the dual remote line. This is good for the scenario or magfed players that like to use 2 guns, like 2 Tippmann TiPX pistols. This way you can hook up 2 guns to one air tank, and not have to worry about it. One of the other things that Ninja released was their new tank series, limited edition “the RAW” series. Ninja tanks are great, but sometimes they have a tendency to wear in color. Well, Ninja has solved that problem. The RAW series is the basic Ninja tank only without the outer coat. This series is cheaper than the other tanks as well, making for happy paintball players. Ninja also has some new colors and finishes available for their tanks. One of the new colors is the wood finish. Their new hydrodipped tanks are dipped before the gel coat so the finish will last longer. They have a skeleton one, an American flag, and the new Green LE with a vibrant glossy finish and a shamrock graphic. So check out these new tanks soon! One of the favorite new things that Ninja released at Paintball Extravaganza amongst field owners is the new acrylic fill station. Ninja actually had air running to the fill station on display to show field owners how it works and the improvements they have made on it. The back check valve is the most notable of improvements on this new fill station. Even if the quick disconnect is not properly attached, the fill whip doesn’t fly off and pose a threat to you or those around you. You also won’t lose an O-ring out of the quick disconnect. This fill station uses the patented and proven valve design used in their fill station they have made the past 15 years. This fill station also has internal venting, this makes it so the air vents in the box 082 magazine